In honor of Ms. Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing for her outstanding contribution to the nursing profession, in the ICN CNR Meeting in Frankfurt, West Germany in June 1965, TWNA proposed to mark her birthday, May 12 as International Nurses Day (IND). Henceforward, the ICN commemorates and celebrates the IND each year by selecting a theme. In Taiwan, under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), the TWNA and Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) took turn to celebrate the IND yearly beginning in 1990. The highlights of the Celebration include granting the Nursing Model Award, Outstanding Nurses Award, Significant Contribution Nurses Award and Senior Nurses Award with 25 years, 30 years, 40 years and 45 years of nursing services. The event climaxes with the attendance of National President and traditional ritual of candle-light transmission.


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Last Update:2022/8/27 下午 02:48:09